
Injurymap is committed to delivering high-quality, flexible, and efficient physiotherapy services, meeting the evolving needs of our partners. Our approach caters to a wide range of needs, from those seeking the convenience of digital therapy to those requiring more intensive care.


Injurymap is committed to delivering high-quality, flexible, and efficient physiotherapy services, meeting the evolving needs of our partners. Our approach caters to a wide range of needs, from those seeking the convenience of digital therapy to those requiring more intensive care.

Digital Physiotherapy
Injurymap offers your members flexible and guided self-treatment thanks to our clinically approved and AI-guided exercise programs curated in a top-rated app user experience.

The training programs are personalized and adjust to your members’ needs between every exercise. More than 300 people are referred to Injurymap’s digital physiotherapy app every month from general practitioners. 

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Injurymap solutions - digital physiotherapy
Injurymap solutions - Digital physiotherapy

Hybrid Physiotherapy
Some cases warrant manual therapy as an appropriate initial approach, either due to patient psychology or the severity of the issue.

Injurymap delivers personalized treatment that incorporates manual therapy as necessary, on top of online video consultations and our app-based AI-led training programs. 

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Injurymap solutions - hybrid physiotherapy

Online Physiotherapy
Injurymaps’ online physiotherapy solution integrates the expertise of human physiotherapists via online video consultations with adaptive AI-led training programs, offering a flexible and effective treatment path for your members.

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Injurymap solutions - online physiotherapy
Injurymap solutions - online physiotherapy

Combined Chiro-physio treatment
Customers experiencing intense muscle tension and severe pain may find initial relief through chiropractic treatments, which can prepare them for subsequent exercise-based online physiotherapy.

Injurymap offers a comprehensive approach, providing benefits for both the customers and insurers by merging effective treatment with cost-efficiency.

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Injurymap solutions - combined physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment

Complex conditions
Injurymap helps health plan providers manage high treatment costs for clients at risk of or on long-term sick leave, who face a combination of physical and mental health challenges and have lost earning capacity. It offers a comprehensive treatment approach addressing multiple aspects of physical and emotional pain, with specialist physiotherapists equipped to support these highly challenged clients.

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Injurymap solutions - complex conditions
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