
Know your injury

Injurymap's app can help you treat your pain


Studies & Solutions

Studies have consistently proven that, in the case of your body, you need to “use it or lose it”. This couldn’t be truer than in the case of back pain. Your biggest group of muscles and joints, the back, is at high risk from modern life’s high amount of sitting. More than every second person is estimated to develop back pain at some point, according to studies. Out of those, about every fifth person develops chronic pain. One of the problems is that a definite diagnosis can be hard to reach.

The good news: numerous studies have shown you may be able to successfully find relief from back pain and prevent it from developing/ recurring by exercising, using targeted strengthening and mobility exercises. Research proving specific exercises have positive long term effects on recurrent lower back pain and also helped people be more mobile, together with a drop in the intensity of pain.

You can “pain-proof” your lower back to a degree by using exercises such as the ones on offer at Injurymap. At the very least, a strong, mobile back equals a healthier back at a lesser risk of pain. While walking and other physical activity also help, strengthening and mobility exercises may be the crucial piece in hacking your back health. These have been best practice for physiotherapists and doctors for a long time – based on best evidence. Now, you can have them sitting in your pocket, on your mobile phone.

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Pain & Mindset

When you are in pain, it can be hard to think clearly and even harder to make sound decisions. After all, isn’t your body telling you to stop moving, when you feel pain? Yes and no. You risk falling into a negative spiral where the lack of movement and participation in your life fully can worsen the pain experience – adding further significant psychological distress. The days of doctors telling patients to have complete bed rest are bygone.

Correct movement and keeping engaged in your daily life is advised. Your brain chemistry may be affected by the inactivity, causing higher levels of anxiety and catastrophe thinking, studies show. Also, your brain circuits may become “primed” for pain – a clear hindrance to recovery and one of the reasons you may get stuck in a chronic pain loop.

Treat your pain with Injurymap

Download the app to get a customized program that addresses your specific pain with exercises.

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