
Neck pain – Know your injury

Injurymap's app can help you treat your pain

What is Neck Pain?

Pain in the neck region is very common. About 40% of the adult population will experience this type of pain during their lifetime. Interestingly, it can have many different causes.

In most cases, the pain is not caused by a damaged structure such as your ligaments, bones or spinal discs. Most frequently, neck pain is caused by the muscles in the neck region working incorrectly. This can happen due to bad posture at your computer screen or in other sub-optimal postural positions.

Causes of Neck Pain

The most common causes of neck pain are:

  • Tight and sore neck muscles
  • Reduced or no mobility in one or more of the neck joints
  • Osteoarthritis or sprains in the neck.

Pain in the neck typically occurs due to heavy workload, monotonous or recurring movements at work, as well as stress, poor posture or impact trauma (eg caused by having to suddenly brake in traffic).

Treat your pain with Injurymap

Download the app to get a customized program that addresses your specific pain with exercises.

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