
Piriformis syndrome

Injurymap's app can help you treat your pain

What is Piriformis Syndrome?
The Symptoms of Piriformis Syndrome
Causes of Piriformis Syndrome
Treatment For Piriformis Syndrome
Exercises For Piriformis Syndrome
Other Treatment Options for Piriformis Syndrome
Begin Your Journey Toward a Pain-Free Life!

Are you feeling a dull ache in your buttocks? Is it accompanied by numbness or tingling down one leg? In this article, we explore a condition called piriformis syndrome. We’ll dive into the symptoms, causes, and how the proper exercises can help speed up your recovery.

Looking for a solution to piriformis syndrome? Try the Injurymap exercise app now.

The piriformis is a small muscle located deep in the buttocks. It attaches at the lower part of the spine and extends in a triangle-like shape toward the femur, the bone that makes up your upper thigh. This small muscle plays a significant role in stabilizing your hip joint, as well as rotating your thigh outward. In other words, it’s activated in most instances where you are using your hips or legs.

While it may be just a tiny muscle, it can cause severe pain and tingling through the buttocks and down the legs when it spasms. If you suffer from these symptoms, you may be experiencing a condition called piriformis syndrome.

Other Treatment Options for Piriformis Syndrome

If the pain is severe, it may benefit you to seek out the advice of your physician or a rehab exercise expert, such as a sports doctor. The following may apply if you are experiencing higher levels of pain. Some of these treatments may also help you cope with the pain, especially early on.

Ice and Heat Therapy

The preference of ice or heat may depend on you and what you prefer. Ice can help numb the pain. When applying an ice pack to the painful area, ensure you place a cloth between your skin and the ice pack. Apply the ice for a maximum of 20 minutes with 45 minutes in between each application.

Heat, on the other hand, can help relax tight muscles. Similar to applying an ice pack, ensure you have a cloth or towel in between your skin and the heat pack. Again, only apply the heat pack for up to 20 minutes with at least 45 minutes in between each application. These two types of therapies can help you cope with the pain until it begins to subside. You may also benefit from alternating between heat and ice.


Most times, the piriformis or surrounding tissues, as well as the sciatic nerve, are inflamed. If necessary, over-the-counter NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, may help alleviate your inflammation, pain, and associated symptoms.

Occasionally, and often when other treatments fail to work, an injection may be recommended. Corticosteroid injections are common and help reduce muscle spasm and pain. A botox injection to the area may also relieve your symptoms by relaxing the muscle, which then decompresses the sciatic nerve.


TENS, transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, may be used to help block pain signals. It does this by replacing these signals with a tingling sensation. Small electrode pads are placed on the skin attached to wires. These wires are attached to a small device which sends electricity through the wires to the pads. The placement of the pads for piriformis syndrome are illustrated in the picture below. This type of therapy may also help reduce muscle spasms. Usually, you can purchase these devices online or they are available as part of your physiotherapy or sports therapy treatment.


In very rare cases, surgery may be performed. This is only done if a severe injury is present that won’t heal properly on its own. It may also be done if there are any abnormalities present causing the condition, such as a split piriformis muscle.

Begin Your Journey Toward a Pain-Free Life!

Understanding your pain is the first step toward solving it. Through this article, we hope we gained a greater understanding of the piriformis, piriformis syndrome, and the potential ways to treat this condition.

If you want more in terms of at-home exercises you can perform to say goodbye to your piriformis pain for good, check out the Injurymap app. This app offers customized training and rehab programs to help you gain back control in your life. It’s like having your own personal sports therapist in your pocket. Get started today and find out how you can start your journey toward a better and pain-free life.

Begin your 14-day free trial of the Injurymap app today!

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